Hellooo Everyone, I will be discussing about the state of WEB in Nigeria Things covered in this 🧵

  1. Year when Web3 came in Nigeria.

  2. Opportunities given by WEB3

  3. Real World Solutions 4.Current state of WEB3

  4. Future Outcomes

  5. Obstacles faced by Nigeria



Crypto trading has been gaining popularity in Nigeria since 2009 fast forwarding to year 2020-21 that saw the growth of WEB3 assets in Africa Nigeria’s crypto community shocked the world in 2021 when a survey revealed that Nigeria experienced 2,467.2% hike in crypto traders.



In last 4 years Nigeria has seen a exponential growth in the sector of web3 companies and Investments. Few of them are: GreySwitch (2021), HiFast (2022), Nest coin(2021), DABASCHOOL(2019), VALR(2018), FunbleNFT(2020). These companies have made the web3 ECO-SYSTUMM 🤘🤘


And this is the reason why Nigeria has ranked among the top 10 countries for adoption of crypto across the globe. This adoption has helped the people of Nigeria to leave the 9-5 job systumm and adopt the remote work culture .


Tokenizing real-world assets, such as carbon credits, through NFTs encourages eco-conscious initiatives and sustainable practices in Nigeria. AGRO-TOKEN 🌾 is such real life example i.e. helping farmer by transforming grains into a digital asset. Isn't it 🆒 🥶


If we see the current scenario then on May 3rd 2023 Nigerian government approved a National Blockchain Policy.

And it was year 2021 when CBN launched the central bank digital currency (CBDC) of Nigeria i.e. eNiara. eNaira enables efficient, and reliable payments.
